Monday, July 16, 2007

Résumé after first week on the Underpasses Project…

As you might have gathered, I have been going through the motions this week... First, it took me a while to find my focus and angle on this project. Sometimes I thought I am on the right track, at other times, I thought this is all too trivial...

Finally, I decided to go back to my original intention to create a poetic/non-linear story on these underpasses. This week, I was trying not to be too literal with the story, but instead to be more 'poetic' if that is the right word, i.e. using more reflections, metaphors, play on colours…

After a while I just found it too boring to be too close to the reality, if that makes any sense… Don’t get me wrong: not that this is not real what I am photographing. It is right there in front of my eye, un-posed and raw… but maybe through my own perspective. And, paradoxically this might then be even closer to the truth since it is more all encompassing of what life is about in these underpasses. For example, in the image below, there is the play on the colours of one of the game parlours in the underpasses, but at the same time you see a man formally dressed with a hat drinking his beer, while at the same time an almost naked flower seller is going on about his flower selling business…. All at the same time, in one image…

I have not found much social activity going on in these underpasses at the moment… well, after all it is summer time and people are either on vacation or gathering outside… I expect that to pick up around Maidan in September when the weather turns and the election time looms… More time to think about this project…


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