The Law of Diminishing Returns…
In economic theory, there is the law of diminishing returns, which – unscientifically speaking – means that at some stage when you put more and more into a production process, advertising campaign, investment fund, etc. the gains from it become smaller and smaller. i.e. for the same amount of input you get an ever decreasing amount of output…
Seems that this law also applies to photography… As I continue to run around these underpasses I ‘see’ fewer and fewer images that I feel are worth taking… Either I think that I already have a better one or I start to become ‘blind’ for new images because things are starting to look very familiar by now… That means that I get fewer and fewer images out of a days’ work in these underpasses…
Switching back: economic theory suggests that if one reaches a certain saturation level due to the law of diminishing returns, one should look for a different investment opportunity to get a higher amount of output for each unit of input…
Well, for me that means it is time to wrap up soon and start to look for new projects…
Haven’t been completely idle though in the last few days: I recorded some nice sounds from the underpasses: a well played Мурка (Russian prison song) by a small brass band and some accordion music (Частушки: Russian line dance music) played by an elderly couple…
Well, come to think about it, maybe I should also publish a CD with the “Soundtrack of the Underpasses”…
I am definately a fan of soundtracks. when i write, i always think in soundtracks, without them I can not completely 'feel' a situation that i am describing or rather i feel more confident that my reader might be able to feel the situation the way i intended with supporting music.
i think becoming blind for a topic you have been working on after a while is a rather usual thing to happen. i remember writing my thesis and focusing on one topic with great depth for a period of time. after a while it feels as if you have fully explored it. plainly, it gets boring and i got a feeling that "either this stuff is so clear to me now that it is purely genius, or it is extremely trivial stuff and i am just really dumb that it took me so long to realize".
and well ... you're gonna find out soon which way it is i guess? :-)
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